I do not have control of the backend vm settings.

(is there a way to fully uninstall other than taking the Application and throwing it in the Trash Can?) Accessing the Virtual Workspace using the VMware Horizon Client (PC). I have tried to reinstall VMware Horizon Client with the same version (5.4.3) and even tried the 2006 version. (these are the only settings I have available) I have searched a bunch to try and find a solution, but I haven't found one. This is what it looks like in "Full Screen" mode, which is way worse: These variables control how the script will behave. The bits we might want to change are shown on lines 20-27. Open the installGimp.sh file in Visual Studio Code.
Download and install a copy of Visual Studio Code. If the Horizon Client window spans both monitors, it will display the Windows 10 screen in a square in the middle of the two monitors. Download the example installGimp.sh file from here and save it to your local drive. Now, no matter the size of the Horizon Client window, the Windows 10 instance stays the same size. It would scale correctly and was a good working solution for my work flow. Windows 10 (the vm instance) just thought this was one wide monitor. Since February, the only solution I could find too utilize both monitors was the have the Horizon Client window in "Windowed Mode" and have the window span the both monitors. C:Program FilesVMwareVMware ViewServersslgatewayconf. Mac Book Pro running macOS Catalina 10.15.7 connected to 2 monitors -> VMware Horizon Client 5.4.3 -> Windows 10 (this is the vm instance) The easy fix for all this is to create a locked.properties file with the single line checkOriginfalse place on each broker under: Plain Text.